B.Sc.CSIT Final Year Project Work Proposal Defense-2076 Batch

🕐 11/21/2023

It's to inform all the students of 2076 Batch 7th Semester that Proposal Defense of Final Year Project Work has been scheduled as per below detail.

Date: 2023/11/27 Monday (First 6 Group)

 2023/11/28 Tuesday (Remaining Group)

Time: 6:00 am onwards (Sharp)

Venu: MAC Seminar Hall


  • Student Must submit Hardcopy Proposal report written as per the guidelines provided by IOST TU  on or before 2023/11/24 Friday . Also Student must mail softcopy of report(.doc format) and Presentation slide(ppt format). Check here for Proposal format and guidelines
  • Coverpage and Certificates should be used as per the format provided by college. Student can find official format here.
  • Send email at project@macpokhara.edu.np.

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